I'm very happy that I get to write the Vision and Views column for IEEE
Multimedia Magazine.
Here are the columns I have written.
- Spring 2011 - Does
Content Matter? - If you are trying to say something about
multimedia content (images, sound, video) will you get better
information from the content (pixels or waveforms) or from the
metadata (web links, etc.)?
- Fall
2011 - Precision Recall is Wrong for Multimedia - How
should we measure the performance of multimedia systems.
The standard measure for information-retrieval systems is
definitely wrong when much multimedia content is used for
- Winter
2012 - Tell Me a Story (with Aisling Kelliher) -
Multimedia is more than just pixels and waveforms. We use
it to tell a story!
- Summer 2012- Don't
Click Here (with David Ayman Shamma) - New ways of
interacting with multimedia mean that not clicking on a video
might be the most important signal you can get from your
- Winter 2013-
Micro and Mega Stories (with Ramesh Jain) - Multimedia
technology is making it possible to tell both micro and mega
stories. What does this mean?
[email protected]